On this blog I'm going to be sharing with you a lot of other things I enjoy. Great music, films I would recommend, art I enjoy, beautiful things - I love beautiful things, but I love to see everything as beauty so that may result in some very random things, some personal life stories and basically a small peek into my crazy, vapid mind.
A lot of you already know I can be a vulgar person, I can also be extremely opinionated when I'm passionate about something - I will simply say... I like the word fuck, profane things, nudity, pot, controversy and anything involving sex, drugs and rock n' roll... anything you don't like, well that sucks and deal with it because I intend to stand by everything I say.
Now with that out of the way, prepare for... I'm not really sure what you should prepare for actually, but it's going to be fucking awesome, I promise you that.
the style whore, style, whore, alix - it's all the same, it's time to get a little more personal.
0ne l0ve,
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