Now, I know these days nobody likes to read anymore - especially when every practically book ever written has been adapted into a movie or television show (okay so I might be exaggerating a bit) but my adolescent years were filled Serena & Blair smoking Marlboro's on the Met or constantly fighting over Nate, Nate smoking a ton of pot and playing soccer or sailing, little Jenny being self-concious with her huge boobs and desperately trying to fit in, Vanessa and her bald head and Upper-eastside-loathing-attitude and Chuck? Chuck was always a pervert and could always make Blair squirm.
... before the show Gossip Girl - GG, was a lot different. Anyone who has read the books as opposed to the television show, knows exactly what I'm talking about. Now, Don't get me wrong - I do like the Gossip Girl show... now. But at first? It was just a show with the same character names and ideas, trying to be based off the book but failing miserably, now it's gone in a different route than the books and I view the show as an entirely different entity all together - I like it, but never in the way I loved the books growing up.

I read the first few books when I was thirteen and would eagerly await the release of the newest Gossip Girl (which I would devour in a day or two) until the final installment was released (It Had to Be You: The Gossip Girl Prequel) in 2008, when I was 17... only a mere three years ago.
I remember the whispers of a Gossip Girl movie being made and only a few years later...

...Welcome Gossip Girl: The Show.
While yes, I do like the show now (whatever season it happens to be on) but I haven't seen the first few seasons - I've tried many times to watch the first episode but just cannot get past my own beloved versions of Serena, Blair, Nate, Chuck, Dan, Vanessa & Jenny (the latter two on the show look nothing like their book descriptions) and all of the discrepancies. I mean, I get it - they can't make it exactly the same but I'm just not a fan of the first few seasons... Like I said, I still see Gossip Girl the show and GG the books as entirely different entities.
I will always love the books more and really urge anyone to take a read, maybe if you like the show you won't be able to like the books, maybe you'll like the books more or less or be like me - view them as different entities, at least take a peek. The books are, however, a lot more profane, vulgar and real in my opinion but regardless gossip, fashion and style take centre stage in both.
XOXO - Gossip Girl
* I would also like to point out, however, all of the original GG books have covers that are no longer being printed as they have since been replaced with photos from the show.
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