I came across Rachel Lynch on lookbook.nu the other day and I have become obsessed with her blog velvetcigarette.com
If you don’t fuck it up now, then fuck it up later. Nothing is raunchier than a dirty i-don’t-give-a-fuck attitude. The police came by the apartment last night and you gave them a run for their money. Your boy wanted you to come by around seven and you show up on a harley with your blonde hair falling out of your helmet. Go long, and watch LA burn up in flames out your window as you eat fruity pebbles in your yellow underwear. Good Morning street crime, sex pistols and grind. Respect was handed to you on a spoon, and you gladly declined the bite, shoving it right back in their face. Too fast and too young to be stopped, it’s like a page out of drugs, sex and coco puffs, take a bite of this. - Rachel Lynch @velvetcigarette
She's hot has hell and an amazing writer, an ex-philosophy student now surfing on journalism - she's also a model and a serious style inspiration. Wanna know more? Check her out on fashionblogs.com, lookbook.nu or velvetcigarette.com

-Alix Kat
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